the air we breathe 2023
Like many people, the environment is near and dear to me. It’s the water we drink, the earth we cultivate, and the air we breathe. When exploring ideas about how to best express my “concerns” with this place we all inhabit for just a short time, I recall this past summer when I underwent a medical procedure that required sedation, and subsequently oxygen assistance.
This past summer I was installing a walkway and had to remove some roots. I was reminded of the oxygen assistance and specifically, the tubes and how they resembled roots of a tree. Both give…aid…and assist…in life…
Over a decade ago, I stumbled across this factory outside of Moscow, Russia and was struck by the smoke and smog spewing from the stacks. This image stuck with me and was the final inspiration for “The Air We Breathe.”
I still ponder the interplay of these three elements… what do they mean, how do they resemble and contrast each other, and what is the interplay between them as we look through an old dirty window?